Steven Winker - Paralegal
Special Needs Trusts

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Court Forms

These commonly used forms are available to expedite the process.

Form Description
FL-100 Petition-Marriage (Family Law)
FL-110 Summons (Family Law)
FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons (Family Law-Uniform Parentage-Custody and Support)
FL-120 Response-Marriage (Family Law)
FL-130 Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers (Family Law-Uniform Parentage-Custody and Support)
FL-140 Declaration of Disclosure (Family Law)
FL-141 Declaration Regarding Service of Declaration of Disclosure (Family Law)
FL-142 Schedule of Assets and Debts (Family Law)
FL-144 Stipulation and Waiver of Final Declaration of Disclosure
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
FL-160 Property Declaration
FL-165 Request to Enter Default (Family Law-Uniform Parentage)
FL-170 Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution or Legal Separation
FL-180 Judgment
FL-190 Notice of Entry of Judgment (Family Law-Uniform parentage-Custody and Support)

Forms produced by AmericanLegalNet,
the Official Publisher of Judicial Council forms

AcrobatAll forms are provided in PDF format and may be viewed and printed
from any computer on which Adobe Reader 6.0 or newer is installed.


Steve Winker
113 W. "G" Street, Ste. 411
San Diego, CA 92101

Phone: (619) 544-9828


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